*1. The only way things are going to change for you is when you change!
*2. Work harder on yourself than you do at your job! Work to improve yourself everyday. One way is to change negative thoughts into positive ones!
*3. Foster relationships. Time, effort and imagination must be summoned constantly to keep any relationship growing.
*4. Use time wisely. Every day has many opportunities but only one best opportunity! When the day is over, so may the opportunity. Everyday has many opportunities but only one best opportunity. Discipline weighs ounces, regrets weigh tons. Days are expensive so spend each one wisely Spend it in the best way possible. The best opportunites will easily align with your goals. Design your own life plan.
*5. Surround yourself with the best people! Go where the demands to perform are high. Mover and shakers are always moving and shaking and changing themselves, the people around them and the world. Hitch you wagon to a star!
*6. Open communication brings a common ground of understanding. You are positioned to have tremendous power together when you come to a common ground. See first to understand.
*7. Get skilled at your chosen profession. Read at least 12 books a year!
*8. Acheive your goals. The main reason for setting goals is to push yourself harder and the result is what goals make of you as a successful person or business. Set 100 goals for your life.
*9. All life is sales! Sales is just the application of influence. One key to having influence with others is to be perceived as a person of talent and virtue whether you are selling a product or yourself. Build trust through your words and them actions that follow them up.
*10. Income seldom exceeds personal development. What you become directly influences what you get!
*11. Become a Leader! The world can always use one more leader. To lead others is to change their thoughts and actions for the better. Master the art of influencing others.
*12. Leave a Legacy! Live a life that helps others spirtually, financially, phyically and relationally. Serve as an example of an exceptional life!